

2mag lab icon blanc (1) (1)

Our team of professional stylists can use a fun and interactive approach in addressing workplace attire to educate staff in knowing how to dress appropriately in the workplace with an end result of staff getting excited about getting dressed of a morning.

Fashion Swapping Event

With the savvy styling and co-ordination skills of 2MAG LAB coupled with the help of your event organiser, we can create the ultimate fashion swapping event at your workplace or your chosen event location.
Usually centred around an upcoming event or theme, ie the annual gala dinner, all attendees bring in clothing items that they would like to swap amongst other attendees.
At the end of the event, everyone walks away with a new and fabulous addition to his or her wardrobe!



We can create an exciting makeover hub or boutique (with gift bags!) for your staff whereby our creative’s can work their magic with each individual attendee.

Upon first glance, our professional corporate fashion stylists are able to advise any individual as to which cuts and colours work best for their shape and colouring that are relative to both their personal taste and the specific workplace environment.

Pamper Day

Cela peut être adapté en fonction du budget de votre événement alloué et du nombre de participants qui auront lieu sur votre lieu de travail ou sur le lieu de l'événement externe. Les événements de bien-être peuvent également être une fonctionnalité intéressante lors d'un événement existant pour leur donner une nouvelle sensation de fraîcheur… peut-être lors de la fête de Noël de votre bureau, ou simplement une journée spécialement conçue pour choyer le personnel du bureau.


Pourquoi ne pas profiter de nos services à votre avantage avec une expérience éducative mais passionnante que votre personnel non seulement adorera mais pour laquelle il se sentira valorisé.

Corporate Attire Presentation & Group Styling Sessions

Why not have one of our Professional Corporate Wear Stylists conduct a tailored presentation to educate and excite your staff with relevance to corporate wear that is appropriate for your workplace and reflective of your corporate branding and values?

“Corporates” can often find themselves in a style rut, wearing the same styles, colours and wardrobe options everyday. Think of it like “style groundhog day”.

Our team of expert stylists will advise and educate your staff on clothing, accessories, jewellery and footwear that are stylish, relative to the current season and appropriate for the work place.

Hair & Make-up Sessions

Have your staff excited about a Celebrity Hair & Make Up Artist coming to your office, event or chosen location for a hands on consultation and demonstrate of step by step new, easy-to-do and ready-to-wear hair styles and make-up looks for work day along with special occasion corporate events. Gifts inclusive!

Incentive Programs

We can assist your company with incentive programs by offering something exciting and different such as beautifully ribboned gift vouchers for personal styling services inclusive of wardrobe, shopping and makeover packages for both men and women! We can also include complimentary extras like retail gift vouchers from our leading retail partners.


Our experienced hair and makeup creative’s along with corporate fashion stylists can assist your staff in getting back into the corporate swing of things following maternity leave.

Our professional creative’s can show the mums in your office how they can look and feel professional again without experiencing any [and often apparent] anxiety when it comes to re-entering the work force.

Have an idea?

Let’s get it done right!